Anand Deverakonda's next feature is Pushpaka Vimanam, which will be released in Tollywood. allu arjun released the movie's preview on internet message boards, and Anand's brother vijay deverakonda is overjoyed. The clip appears to be entertaining and promises a pleasant entertainer with a riot of laughs. We are confident that this film will be another success for the young deverakonda.
According to the trailer, anand deverakonda portrays a public school teacher whose newlywed identity is jeopardised due to his wife's alleged elopement with a weightlifter. sunil plays a cop who is on the lookout for Anand's spouse. The film appears to include both healthy laughter and situational hilarity, as well as societal stigma.
Allu arjun remarked on social media while sharing the video, "I'm excited to release the teaser for Puspaka Vimanam. Good luck to everyone in the squad." "Thank you bunny Annaaaa, absolute love for u," Vijay Deverakonda, Anand's sibling, said. The movie is a black comedy helmed by Damodara and sponsored by Vijay Deverakonda. Vijay Deverakond unveiled the very first look and a marriage song from the movie Kalyanam a few days earlier, both of which were positively received by the public. The movie's posters were also an instant smash.