Thala ajith kumar, who recently wrapped filming on his forthcoming film Valimai, has taken a break from the spotlight to set bicycle goals for his admirers and other riders throughout the world. His bilking buddy snapped an exotic snapshot of him perched on the edge of the earth, admiring the panoramic splendour of the beach from a high altitude, and put it online yesterday. The snapshot caught the eye of netizens and his supporters almost immediately.
Though Thala keeps a low key on social networking sites, photos of him manage to leak online. Similarly, a popular video of ajith offroading through tough terrain has gone viral. He was spotted riding his bmw with nearly effortless comfort and style. The footage has once again piqued the interest of viewers. On the professional front, ajith has teamed up with boney kapoor and H.Vinoth for a new film tentatively titled Thala61. The crew intends to finish the film in a short amount of time.
Ajith is expected to continue his bike ride across india for few more days and he will be returning back to home just a few days before diwali and later he will start the patchwork post-production works for his magnum opus movie Valimai and the team is also looking to surprise the fans by revealing a trailer for diwali festival.