Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who launched a defamation lawsuit against a few YouTube channels and one person, isn't going to stop until she's satisfied with the results. Samantha's plea to pursue legal action against people who she claimed defamed her was dismissed by a kukatpally court, according to reports. Instead of pursuing legal action towards her defamers, the actress was advised to seek an explanation from them.
The court reasoned that celebrities should not share personal information and subsequently launch defamation lawsuits. samantha had to bring her lawyer to defend her since she wasn't ready to take it. Samantha's lawyer is said to have referenced shilpa Shetty's latest 'permanent injunction order' case as a point of reference for Samantha's case. shilpa shetty had moved the bombay high court after her spouse Raj Kundra was detained in a pornographic case. The court issued a permanent injunction prohibiting media outlets from publishing defamatory reports about her.
Samantha's legal team suggested that she may ask the court for a similar outcome in her defamation lawsuit. Samantha's defamation action has been put on hold by the court and will be reviewed soon. Samantha's separation news came as a shock to everyone, prompting conjecture about her private affairs on many blogs and YouTube channels, including accusations about the actress having romances with her coworkers.