Janhvi Kapoor's gorgeous lehenga appearance for the front of Bridal Asia Magazine set the world on fire. In a Gianna Pearl subdued pink shimmer tulle wedding lehenga ensemble, she looks absolutely stunning as a bridal model for spring brides. The ensemble features silver and gold work, as well as an Rs.3 lakhs stitched blouse by Dolly J Studio. Janhvi accented the ensemble with a piece of plush silver jewelry set from Rare heritage, which added to her captivated appearance.
For many brides out there, this appears to be the perfect bridal lehenga. For festive milestones, the ensemble set is also too wonderful to be true, making it pure and costly bridal apparel. Janhvi also wore another outfit, this time a blue trench coat with flower needlework. She wore it with designer rahul Mishra's stunning sequined blue gown. Janhvi accessorized her look with a Rare heritage airy modern necklace. She used glam and sparkly makeup for both looks, bringing out the delicate shine beneath golden lights.
She completed the appearance with a stunning modern pendant from Rare Heritage. She aimed for a soft glam luminous appearance with her makeup. She wore her hair down and sleek and raised the temperatures.