Kiara Advani will be romancing ram charan after 'Vinaya Vidhaya Rama' for 'RC15' under Shankar's direction. Even though director Shankar is facing legal heat as lyca productions lodged another case against him at hyderabad Civil Court, he is all set and raring to kickstart the shooting proceedings once again. We were the first portal to bring a piece of confirmed news that kiara advani will be the lady love of ram Charan.
Now, it has been made official regarding Kiara's presence in the movie. The movie tentatively titled 'RC15' will kickstart its shooting by the month of august itself and director Shankar is expecting that chief minister of andhra pradesh will be giving a green nod for shooting inside the hyderabad City. ram charan is expected to finish all the related works of 'RRR' before entering 'RC15' sets.
Kiara Advani recently grabbed all eyeballs by doing a spine-chilling reverse kick on her instagram Reels where she did that before her residence. Also, her latest 2021 Dabboo Ratnani calendar monochromatic topless shoot got a huge response among her fans. We even reported on Kiara's live chat with Ratnani while unveiling the calendar for 22021. She is surely giving a Pan-Indian appeal and a sensuous feel to most of her films.