Deepika Padukone and ranveer singh are a bonafide power couple of the industry. Right from their PDA on their social media handles to posting about each other, the couple has never shied from showing their love for each other. But this one piece of news is sure to make you fall in love with deepika padukone all the way more! In her recent interaction, the Bajirao Mastani actress has revealed that she used to make sure to kiss the photograph of Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio before going to bed.
Yes, you heard that right! Just like most women, deepika padukone too had her fangirl moments for the actor. Speaking to Vogue, DP revealed that she and her sister would kiss Leonardo DiCaprio’s poster without fail every night before going to bed. deepika padukone said, “My sister Anisha and I shared a room. We used to sit on that sofa you see in the picture and play ‘house’ for hours. We also had several posters of Leonardo DiCaprio on the wall and made it a point to kiss him goodnight every night before going to sleep.”
While ranveer singh may sure be jealous hearing this, we certainly can’t blame deepika padukone for it. Leonardo DiCaprio is a rage among girls and ladies owing to his performance of Jack Dowson in james Cameron’s titanic, amongst other projects. deepika padukone had recently shared yet another throwback featuring aamir khan and her family when she was all but 13. DP captioned the image saying, “Major throwback to 1st january 2000. I was 13 & awkward. I still am. He was having lunch.Curd Rice to be precise.I was hungry like I always am.
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