The young director Kalyan Krishna, known for delivering the superhit entertainer Soggade Chinni Nayana, with King Nagarjuna, which became the actor's career-best hit, had always wanted to direct a movie with Kajal Aggarwal pairing with Mega Powerstar Ramcharan.
Infact he had wanted to direct Soggade Chinni Nayana with Chiru who had directed it to Nag citing that the character was similar to that of Andarivadu character. Post-Soggade, his movie with Naga Chaitanya, Rarandoi veduka chudam also met with an average result.
As he wanted to impress Ramcharan by making a mass movie and proving himself as a commercial mass movie director, he made Nela ticket with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja which went on to be a huge disaster. Following Nela Ticket failure, Kalyan Krishna dreams to direct Kajal with Ram Charan are not going to materialize anytime soon.