Petrol- Diesel: Never Ending Trauma!?

Sindujaa D N

Petrol diesel price: The central government has raised petrol and diesel prices by only 5 per cent in India. Federal Petroleum minister Hardeep Singh puri has conveyed that prices have pushed up by 50 per cent in grown countries.

The central government of india has only hiked fuel and diesel prices by 5%. Prices in wealthy countries have increased by 50%, according to Federal Petroleum minister Hardeep Singh Puri.

Petrol diesel Price

Oil companies have not raised petrol and diesel prices since november last year due to the 5 state elections. oil companies have been raising petrol and diesel prices daily since the 24th of last month.

So far, petrol and diesel prices have risen by more than Rs 10 per liter. The prices of essential commodities in the country continue to rise due to the rise in petrol and diesel prices. Ordinary people and the middle class are greatly affected by the resulting inflation.

5% price increase

Opposition parties in the state assembly yesterday questioned the hike in petrol and diesel prices. Federal Petroleum minister Hardeep Singh puri responded:

The ongoing war between russia and ukraine over petrol and diesel prices has led to rising fuel prices not only in india but globally.

Rising petrol and diesel prices have been slightly lower in india than in the rest of the world. In developed countries, petrol and diesel prices have risen by 50 percent.

50 percent

Petrol and diesel prices have risen by more than 50 per cent, especially in the United States, Britain, Canada, germany and Sri Lanka. But understand that it has been raised by just 5 per cent in India. During the war between ukraine and russia, the price of natural gas rose several times in the international market.

Operation Ganga

India has advised indian students in ukraine to leave the country amid tensions between ukraine and Russia. Accordingly, 4 thousand students left in the first phase. But many students stayed in Ukraine.

However, not only indian students on the data-border with ukraine but also students from many countries were rescued through the Operation ganga program implemented by the Central Government. 

Before the start of the war, the indian Embassy in ukraine acted swiftly and recorded the details of the indian students. Operation ganga is the most successful operation in the world. Thus said, Hardip Puri.

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