Student jumps from the roof of the library in Nalanda?

Student jumps from the roof of the library in Nalanda…?
bihar Board Intermediate Examination is starting from today (1 February). But before the start of the examination, a case of suicide of a student has come to light from Nalanda district. Actually, in bihar Sharif, the student, upset due to the cancellation of Inter registration and not getting the admit card, jumped from a three-storey house. After the death of the student, there is an uproar in his family. The deceased student has been identified as sumit Kumar. police is investigating the matter.
Student jumps from the roof of the library
The whole matter is of Sohsarai police station area. On Friday, student sumit Kumar was asked to study in Kisan Library with some of his friends like every day. Studies take place in the library till 10.00 pm, but before that sumit left the library room and did not return for a long time.
When Sumit's friends came out of the library to find him, his body was lying near the gate. Friends told that sumit had to appear in the intermediate examination. Due to some reason, his registration was cancelled and he did not get the admit card, due to which sumit was under stress.
Even after being explained several times by friends, he was not able to understand anything. sumit said that now all the friends will be separated, he will be behind by a year.
The student was under stress due to not getting the admit card
DSP Khurshid Alam said that the local police was informed about the matter. After which the police reached the spot but by then Sumit's friends had taken him to Sadar Hospital. Where the doctors declared him dead. On receiving the information, Sumit's family also reached the hospital. During interrogation, it was found that sumit was studying in Kisan Library, but he was under stress due to not getting the admit card for Inter. Due to this, sumit committed suicide by jumping from the library. The whole matter is being investigated.