Some tips to gain success in your Career or Profession

S Venkateshwari
Read. Some people say they hate to read. That's 100% their own fault. There are so many books out there on so many different subjects. read something or substance. Not twitter or FB or people magazine but actual books that took people time and effort and knowledge to write.

Find something you're willing to work hard for. For the sake of argument we'll just title this “passion”. Literally just start with something. You watched Wolf of Wall Street and want to be an investment banker, start learning finance. You think hacking looks cool in movies and love reading news on it, start learning how to hack. Weed out what you don't want to do when things get tough versus what you would keep doing. Once you find that one thing, create a short, medium and long term plan. Things can change, but having some type of plan is necessary.

Meet people. This is so broad but just like finding “passion”, just start. Any way you can. I knew a guy who was starting learning to code, but was not in school. He start going to any club, meet-up, conventions whenever he could. He would go up to people and ask specific questions that might lead to a conversation and then possibly a relationship. It's a skill. Work at it. Do what I call effective discussion. It's essentially where you are talking to someone with a specific purpose in mind. Like getting a girls number, asking a sales associate for a lower price, or trying to get a reference on your resume.

To do list. Every night before bed, create a to-do list for the next day. Finish all those things. You either want it or you don't. Those that want it will finish the to-do list. Just try not to swamp yourself with unnecessary tasks. Start with the most important and work your way down.

Take challenges head on. Self-positive talk. Stop viewing things as obstacles and more as opportunities. This just comes with experience and getting out of your comfort zone one small step at a time.

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