The engineer lost his job, he delivered food for Swiggy!!!

The engineer lost his job, he delivered food for Swiggy!!!

Everyone wants to study and do a white collar job. However, the blows of life sometimes force you to take such difficult decisions, which later become a source of inspiration for others. Such is the story of an engineer Riyazuddin. He was happy doing a tech job but one day his name came in the layoff list and his world of dreams was shattered. Now he had no means of earning for his various expenses. In such a situation, he took a big decision and started delivering food for Swiggy. Now that he has got his tech job back, he has thanked swiggy for giving him a chance to work.

Inspirational post written under the name My Farewell to Swiggy

Riyazuddin has written his inspirational story on LinkedIn. In this viral post named 'My Farewell to Swiggy', he told that he was a software developer. But, he became a victim of layoff. Despite efforts, he was not getting a new job and the bills were increasing. With this, he data-faced financial crisis. Finally, he started working as a delivery partner in Swiggy.

Riyazuddin said - every delivery made me stronger

Riyazuddin has written that every delivery was an experience for him. During this time, he data-faced many types of mental and physical pressure. Now I remember those morning, hot afternoon, rain and cold and late night dinner orders. Every delivery was not just a way to earn money. It was teaching me to data-face challenges. When everything had stopped, swiggy helped me to muster the courage to move on. swiggy taught me that life is not always easy. It has ups and downs. You have to be patient, steadfast and humble. After delivering every order, I found myself stronger.

swiggy gave his best wishes and he got another interesting reply

Today, even though he has got a new job, he will never forget his days at Swiggy. He wrote that I am excited. I want to give a proper farewell to Swiggy. He writes that if you are also going through a tough time, then do not panic. Wait for your chance to come. Thanks to swiggy for being my partner in this difficult journey. On this post, swiggy has written that your story inspires us too. We wish you all the best for this new chapter of life. On this, Riyazuddin has given another interesting reply and written that thank you, right now I am leaving as a delivery partner but will remain connected as a customer.

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