Yoga Benefits: Which asanas should be done daily??
Nowadays fast lifestyle becomes the reason for many diseases. Often after sitting in the office for the whole day, even after coming home, people sit in one place which is not right. Working out daily is very important. There are many types of exercise. yoga is one of them. It is very beneficial not only for your external body but also for your internal body. Let us know, which asanas should be done daily to stay away from diseases.
Matsyasana relaxes the musclesMatsyasana exercises the whole body. It can also be done to relax the muscles of the spine and neck. Matsyasana can help you a lot in bringing good posture and flexibility of the body. Matsyasana is also advised to improve digestion.
Vrikshasana will get rid of diseases related to obesityWhile doing Vrikshasana, a person has to stand like a tree, due to which the problem like obesity ends. To avoid the problems caused by obesity, it is advisable to do Vrikshasana. This asana can also help a lot for focus and balance.
Shavasana calms the mindShavasana is very beneficial for calming the whole body. The specialty of this asana is that it does not require much effort to do it.