Does your eye hurts while in Online..!?

Digital Eye Strain: Working on a computer for a long time? But you need to know these things for sure. However, if you are in that accident.

 Looking at the screen for a long time can have a severe effect on eyesight.  In this article, we will learn about the dangers of working too long on a computer.
 Experts point out that this can cause severe stress on their eyes. Studies show that this problem is worse now than it was a year ago.
Many of them warn that the eyesight is starting to slow down.

If you want to get relief from eye stress .. follow these tips. Causes: Excessive pressure on the eye due to prolonged exposure to computer or laptop screen.

 That means the blue light coming from that screen falls directly on the eyes. This can cause severe stress to the eyes. Symptoms: Excessive pressure on the eyes can lead to problems such as poor eyesight, constant watering of the eyes, headache, sore throat, and dry eyes

Some people have poor eyesight, but watching the screen without a break for a long time can cause eye strain. There are some ways to solve all these.  The screen blue light should be dimmed. Experts also point out that the use of anti-reflective lenses can prevent the eyes from being stressed.

Doing so will greatly reduce the effect of blue light on the eyes. Also, it is best to use prescription glasses to avoid eye strain. If these are not used, use glasses that reduce blue light. In addition, experts suggest using an anti-reflective lens.

Precautions to be taken: Do not look at the screen for too long. Experts suggest looking at other objects every 20 minutes for 20 seconds without turning a blind eye.  
Doing so will make your eyes feel a bit refreshed. 

The pressure on the eyes in particular is also slightly reduced. Another important thing is to keep the eyelids tilted in the middle while looking at the screen. 
Doing this in the middle will not only dry out the eyes but will also alleviate the problem of eye strain.

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