Protecting your Family from Flu this Monsoon


Maintaining hand hygiene: The best way to enjoy rains during monsoon is to keep away from the germs. Hands are the biggest carrier of germs and diseases, so make sure of washing your hands with soap frequently and keeping them clean. By keeping your hands clean, you will curtail the spread of flu virus. Also, use hand sanitizers which if needed. Wash your hands before and after eating.

Maintain social distance: We often travel in public transport to our work and see people sneezing and coughing without covering their mouth. Wear pollution masks to avoid germs from entering your body. If anyone around you shows symptoms of flu, then avoid contacting with them.

Eat healthy: Eating healthy is equally important during monsoon. Avoid eating outside. When at home eat nutritious food. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and make sure you wash them if you are eating raw fruits. Boil vegetables properly before eating. Also, make sure that the utensil that you are using for eating and for cooking is washed properly. It is also recommended to do some exercise and yoga ever day to keep your immunity strong.

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