Are you putting your children's mental health at risk?

S Venkateshwari
Are you putting your children's mental health at risk?

A child's mental health and general well-being are greatly influenced by the parenting style used, and various parenting philosophies have varying effects on children's emotional growth, self-esteem, and resilience. Authoritative parenting, which is characterised by warmth, support, and reasonable expectations, has been linked to better mental health outcomes in kids. This parenting style encourages autonomy, secure attachment, and open communication, which boosts kids' self-esteem and emotional control.

Authoritarian parenting, on the other hand, which is typified by rigorous rules and discipline without much warmth or love, can have detrimental effects on children's mental health, resulting in decreased self-esteem, anxiety, and challenges with emotional regulation. Similar to the above, children who experience permissive parenting, which is distinguished by high warmth but poor structure and discipline, may struggle with self-control, decision-making, and academic achievement.

Promoting children's mental health requires striking a balance between warmth, care, and sensible boundaries. Children's wellbeing and mental health can be promoted by developing a healthy and respectful parent-child relationship, offering emotional support, outlining clear expectations, and allowing for age-appropriate independence. The biggest gift you could give your children as parents is the knowledge of how to be conscious, loving, encouraging, and coaching of children to navigate the problems of life.

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