What is the History of World Vegan Day?

S Venkateshwari
What is the history of World Vegan Day?

This way of living emphadata-sizes causing the least amount of harm to animals. Veganism is a lifestyle movement that emphadata-sizes plant-based eating instead of animal products and ecological living. For the benefit of animals, people, and the environment, veganism is defined by the Vegan Society as "a method of thinking and living that aims to eliminate—to the greatest extent that it is feasible and practical—all types of animal abuse and exploitation for clothes, food, or any other purpose; thus, it encourages the creation and application of animal-free substitutes." It refers to the practice of eliminating any foods that are either entirely or partially produced from animals in terms of diet."

The Vegan Society was presided over by vegan animal rights activist Louise Wallis in 1994. She proposed november 1st as World Vegan Day to commemorate The Vegan Society's 50th anniversary. Her main points were that there was still a group that promoted the value of veganism and that the term "vegan" was now part of the english language. Because november 1st falls between Halloween and the Mexican Day of the Dead, she purposefully opted to commemorate World Vegan Day on that day.

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