Wheat or Ragi? Which 'flour' provides nutrients to the body?

frame Wheat or Ragi? Which 'flour' provides nutrients to the body?

Sowmiya Sriram
Wheat or Ragi? Which 'flour' provides nutrients to the body?
Although both wheat flour and ragi flour are healthy for the body, here you can see which one has additional benefits. Grains are also one of the indian foods. Whole grains like buckwheat, corn, and ragi are rich in nutrients for the body. Wheat is also being used more among the people these days. Although wheat is a good food, some information says that ragi flour gives better benefits than it. In this post, you can see which flour is better.
Benefits of Ragi flour:
Ragi flour contains fiber, vitamins, and amino acids that help in digestion. Experts say that ragi can provide more calcium than milk. Ragi can be said to be a food that can be eaten instead of rice. Ragi can also be used in forms such as pasta, noodles, semiya, etc. Eating ragi as a meal in a day helps in controlling blood sugar levels. This flour is also used to reduce bad cholesterol. Ragi flour helps in healing wounds in the body quickly.
Benefits of Wheat Flour:
The flour prepared from wheat can be used to make many dishes including roti, puri, upma, and cakes. The biggest difference between rice and wheat is the protein content found in it. Wheat contains fiber, carbohydrates, etc. It also contains minerals such as iron zinc, and vitamin B. Wheat is also included in foods that are good for heart health.

Disadvantages of wheat flour:

Although wheat has many benefits, eating it may not have good effects for some people. people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance should not eat it. The gluten in wheat can cause digestive problems. people with wheat allergies may experience stomach and intestinal problems when they eat it. Skin rashes or itching may also occur. Eating too much wheat foods can also increase body weight.
Disadvantages of Ragi flour:
Goitrogens in Ragi flour can affect thyroid function. Eating too much Ragi can affect thyroid function. people with kidney stones should not eat too much Ragi. The calcium content in it can increase the problems of kidney stones. Being rich in fiber, it can cause flatulence or bloating. When you make wheat dosa or chapati, mixing a little Ragi flour with it will give health to the body. Since both flours have various benefits separately, when mixed in the right proportion and taken together, you can get a lot of benefits. Eating this way will improve intestinal function. Take both without comparing which of the two is better.

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