Weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy is normal...

S Venkateshwari
Weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy is normal...

Many types of changes are seen in women during pregnancy. The most normal among these is weight gain. There are some women whose weight starts increasing in the first trimester of pregnancy i.e. in 1 to 3 months, while some women also lose weight during this period. Due to which there is often a fear in the mind. Many women also ask the question whether weight loss in the first trimester of pregnancy is normal or does it indicate a problem. Know what experts say..

How normal is weight loss in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Gynecologists believe that women can lose weight in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is nothing surprising in this, because in the first trimester of pregnancy, women have many problems like vomiting and morning sickness. Due to the hormonal changes taking place in their body, they do not even feel hungry. In such a situation, weight loss is not a problem. It is normal. When these problems start reducing, weight will also start increasing.

What to do to maintain healthy weight in the first trimester?

1. Eat only healthy foods

To maintain weight during pregnancy, women should eat only healthy foods. Food should not be skipped even if there are problems like vomiting and morning sickness. This improves both the growth of the child and the health of the woman.

2. Take things rich in vitamins and minerals

Only a healthy diet is not enough during pregnancy. Along with this, things rich in vitamins and minerals should also be taken. This will maintain weight and there will be no deficiency of nutrients in the body. It will also affect the growth of the child.

3. Do light exercises

To maintain healthy weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, light exercises should be done. Intense exercise is not good for the health of pregnant women. They should do light exercises like walking. It is beneficial.

How much weight is right to gain in the first trimester?

In the first trimester, it is normal to gain half to two and a half kilograms of weight. If your weight was healthy before pregnancy, then in the second and third trimesters your weight should increase by about half a kilogram every week. In the first three months, your weight increases very little, so no extra calories are needed at this time, but in the second trimester you need 340 extra calories daily and in the third trimester you need 450 extra calories.

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