Yoga is beneficial for both men and women!


International yoga Day: yoga can prove to be a panacea for reproductive disorders, benefits start appearing within one and a half months

Due to disturbances in lifestyle, cases of reproductive disorders are increasing rapidly globally. The situation is such that it has become very difficult to conceive normally. This is the reason why there is an increase in the demand for artificial methods of conception such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) across the world.

If you are also a victim of such problems, then there is good news for you. Researchers at the All india Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, have found in a study that if you include yoga in your daily routine, thenunexpected benefits can be found in reproductive disorders.Researchers evaluated the effects of yoga on 60 volunteers and found that including yoga in the routine not only improves sperm in men but can also reduce the risk of pregnancy failure. By including yoga in the routine from an early age, overall health benefits can be obtained.

Yoga is beneficial for both men and women

International yoga Day is celebrated on 21 june to make people aware of how yoga benefits our overall health and to inspire people to do yoga.

Regarding the benefits of yoga in reproductive disorders, AIIMS researchers said that even regular yoga for one and a half weeks has shown a significant increase in the quality and mobility of sperm. yoga can also be an effective way to improve pregnancy.

What did the study find out?

In this study published in the international Journal Scientific Reports, experts said that our study analyzed the expression (activity level) of 14 genes after adopting yoga. The status of the genes evaluated after yoga was found to be better for reproduction. Researchers said, in many earlier studies it was said that problems in pregnancy can occur due to problems caused to sperm cells as a result of so-called oxidative stress and dna damage.

Benefits started appearing in just 6 weeks

30 couples who had experienced recurrent miscarriages and 30 couples who had experienced failure in embryo implantation were included in this study. These people were advised to do regular yoga for about six weeks. professor of Anatomy Reema Dada, who led the study, says, thatat the end of six weeks, a significant increase was also seen in the length of sperm telomeres, which are structures made of dna and protein and are found at the ends of chromosomes. women also experienced special benefits from yoga in the problem of conception.

What do experts say?

In a conversation with amar Ujala, Dr. Shashi Saxena, a senior gynecologist at a hospital in Lucknow, says,making yoga a part of your routine can prove to be especially beneficial for you. With the help of a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation practice, you can experience special improvement in health. lifestyle disturbances are considered to be a major reason for increasing fertility problems, practicing yoga can make it easier to reduce lifestyle-related complications.

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