Here people mostly use bicycles for daily work and for traveling to an office


This country has the highest number of bicycles in the world, the figure is so high that even the population is left behind.

The netherlands is a country in the world where the total population is less than the number of bicycles. Here people mostly use bicycles for daily work and for traveling to an office.

The netherlands has got the title of the slimmest and healthiest country in the world, but the biggest reason behind this is more use of bicycles than motor vehicles. Very few people know that there are more bicycles in the netherlands than its population. Dutch people use only bicycles for daily work and for going to the office.

Population 1.7 crore, bicycles 2.4 crore

Dutch people consider cycling as their birthright. There are about 17 million (17 million) people living in the netherlands and in total, they own about 24 million (24 million) bicycles. They travel short and long distances depending on their needs. Children cycle to school, housewives cycle to the supermarket, working people to the office and elderly people cycle to stay fit and for entertainment.

Cycle 1000 kilometers a year

In terms of kilometers, an average Dutch citizen travels 1000 kilometers annually, and for the entire population, this figure goes up to about 15 billion kilometers every year. The netherlands is known worldwide for its excellent bicycle infrastructure. About 28 percent of the journeys in the country are made by bicycle. The governments of the country have invested a lot in creating facilities and routes for cyclists.

Incentive amount for going to office by bicycle

This is a country where money is given as an incentive for going to the office by bicycle. Yes, if you go to the office by bicycle in the netherlands, you are paid $0.22 per kilometer (about Rs 18 in India). This means that you do not have to spend money on petrol-diesel or motor vehicle to go to the office, on top of that you also get money for going to the office by bicycle. Under this pretext, Dutch people get exercise and the environment is also protected from smoke pollution.

Narendra Modi was also gifted a bicycle

The Dutch government encourages the Dutch people to ride bicycles. Huge discounts are given on buying bicycles in the Netherlands. Cyclists dominate Amsterdam. The ring roads and lanes of this city are equipped with a large network for cyclists. This is the reason why the country's prime minister Mark Rutte also goes to parliament by bicycle. Not only this, when prime minister Narendra Modi visited the netherlands in 2017, the Dutch PM also gifted him a bicycle.

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