High BP is a dangerous problem !!!


BP's health is deteriorating between election victory and defeat, know tips to control it

High bp is a dangerous problem. Due to this life-threatening conditions like heart attack, and stroke can arise. Therefore it should not be ignored. Some home remedies can be adopted to control it.

BP Control Tips 

The election atmosphere is going on in the country. The counting of votes is going on in four states. In such a situation, if your bp is going out of control due to the victory or defeat of your candidate, then you can adopt some natural measures to control it. High bp is a dangerous problem. Due to this life-threatening conditions like heart attack, and stroke can arise. In such a situation, let us know what should be done to bring down high blood pressure immediately…

This is how bp will be controlled during election tension.

Take a deep breath

When bp goes up or down, first take a deep breath from the stomach and hold the breath for at least two seconds. After this, slowly exhale completely. Wait for two seconds and repeat this process once again. This will control BP.

Rest up

BP can increase due to election tension, in such a situation stress is natural. Therefore, rest your body by lying on the bed for some time and let it relax. To keep your mind calm, listen to your favorite song or read a book.

Take a bath with lukewarm water

To control bp, take a bath with lukewarm water. This remedy will reduce the tension in your muscles and veins and provide enough space for blood flow to reduce. However, keep in mind that if bp reaches the risk level, then immediately consult a doctor.

Do these measures to control BP

Don't smoke cigarettes.

Do not consume alcohol or caffeine.

Get enough sleep and don't let yourself be stressed.

take medicines to control blood pressure

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