This dal has more protein than egg and chicken !!!


This dal has more protein than egg and chicken, know how to make it

Cowpea is such a superfood that our body gets many benefits from eating it. Let us know...

Lobia Benefits

Protein is a very essential nutrient for the body. It is necessary for building and maintaining our muscles. Good sources of protein include eggs, meat, and milk. But do you know, that cowpea contains more protein than all these? Cowpea is a superfood that is a powerhouse of protein. By consuming our body gets many benefits. This small-data-sized green grain has a storehouse of nutrients that are very beneficial for our health. protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and many other nutrients are found in cowpeas. Let us know what benefits we can get from consuming cowpeas.

Most nutrients are found in cowpea

Protein – Cowpea has a very high amount of protein. 25-30 grams of protein is found in 100 grams of cowpea.

Fiber – Cowpea is a high-fiber food. It contains 16-25 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

Complex carbs – 60-65% of carbohydrate is found in cowpea.

Iron – Cowpea is a good source of iron.

Vitamin C and Folate – Cowpea is rich in vitamin c and folate.

Apart from this, protein, fiber, carbs, iron, and vitamins are the nutrients found in the highest quantity in cowpeas.

Beneficial in anemia

Cowpea can be beneficial in anemia because it has a good amount of iron. 100 grams of cowpea contains about 3.4 mg iron. Regular consumption of cowpeas increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and helps in reducing the symptoms of anemia. Therefore, anemia patients must eat cowpeas.

Help in losing weight

The high protein and fiber present in cowpea reduces hunger and keeps the stomach full. Cowpea is a low-calorie food. Due to this overeating does not happen. The vitamins and minerals present in it help in reducing weight. Cowpea also improves digestion. For all these reasons, cowpea proves to be very effective in weight loss.

Beneficial in diabetes

Diabetic patients are advised to follow a diet that keeps their blood sugar level under control. Cowpea is a superfood which is very beneficial for diabetic patients.

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