Avoid Eating Tomatoes and Cucumbers: Reason..?

S Venkateshwari
Avoid Eating Tomatoes and Cucumbers: Reason..?

We do a lot to lose weight. Especially we focus on diet. That's when 'Salads' come to mind. Depending on the time, we will continue to dry them. However, dietitians say that do not make some mistakes here. Eating tomatoes- lettuce and cucumbers together.. is one of these! Let's know the real reasons for this here..

Tomatoes and cucumbers are perfect in a salad! But dieticians suggest being careful while eating cucumbers and tomatoes. Cucumbers are rich in minerals. They keep us hydrated. However, dieticians say that the enzyme in cucumbers interferes with the process of absorbing vitamin c in tomatoes. That's why they say that as much as possible they should not be mixed.

Moreover, there is a risk of slow digestion if you mix green cucumber with tomatoes. Due to these, deionization in the body becomes more difficult. The digestion process is different for both of them. That's why if you combine these, you get stomach aches. Bloating also occurs. Dieticians make it clear that you can eat cucumber together with other vegetables and there will be no problems. Try to use tomatoes in the salad once, then use green cucumbers next without mixing. These two are also good for health if taken separately. A bit of a problem if you take it together!

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