Cloves have the potential to cure cancer!!!

S Venkateshwari
Cloves have the potential to cure cancer!!!


If we talk about hot spices, clove is full of medicinal properties. You can use cloves in many ways. There are so many properties in cloves that from your oral health to major diseases like cancer and diabetes also run away. Clove has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, due to which the infection of many diseases does not reach you. Let's know the benefits of clove and how to consume it?

Oral Health

Clove buds can reduce oral micro-organisms (micro-organisms produced in the mouth) by 70%. For this reason, cloves are used in many kinds of toothpaste. Homemade mouthwash using cloves along with basil, and tea tree oil can improve oral health. 

Diabetes Control

The use of cloves also includes controlling diabetes to some extent. In such a situation, clove can control diabetes by reducing blood glucose. Research says that cloves have antihyperglycemic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective properties, due to which there is sugar control in the body.

Fever, Cough and Cold

Clove is very beneficial in fever, cold and cough, make a decoction of clove or drink its tea, in both forms it gives warmth to the body. It reduces cough and soreness.

Weight Loss

It is very beneficial in reducing weight. Clove has a role in stress management, it also controls your weight.

The digestion system is correct

Food is digested with cloves, it is said that chewing a clove after eating makes it easier to digest food. Although more cloves also heat up, so only one to two should be taken.


According to research, clove can stop the tumour from growing. The ethyl acetate extract of clove has been found to have anti-tumour activity, due to which it can be used to reduce the risk of cancer. 

How to Use Clove?

You can drink clove by adding it to tea.

You can chew a clove and eat it.

Its effect is hot, in such a situation, cloves can be mixed up with the vegetable while cooking.

Drink clove water.

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