A close relationship between sleep and obesity...

S Venkateshwari
A close relationship between sleep and obesity...

Till now we used to think that our weight increases only due to wrong eating and lifestyle but this is a myth. Today we will tell you about a study related to obesity, which you will be shocked to hear. If you do not get enough sleep or do not sleep well, then it will have a direct effect on your weight. Your body's hormones will start changing and your metabolism will become weak.

What does the study say?

A study by Ohio State university states that people who sleep less than 7-8 hours consume extra sugar, fat, caffeine, snacks, and carbohydrates during the day. Once in their whole day's diet, junk food is definitely there, which becomes the biggest reason for their weight gain.

 Researchers said that due to sleeping late at night, we become very irregular in eating and drinking. Due to lack of sleep, we also become cranky and eat anything to stay calm. Which directly affects your health.

What did doctors say?

Dr. subhash chandra Joshi, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, government Medical college in Haldwani, says that less sleep changes the function of all the hormones in our body. Due to the decrease in the sensitivity of insulin in the body and the amount of glucose increases. Ghrelin and leptin hormones work to control your appetite. Due to less sleep, the level of ghrelin in your body increases due to which you start feeling more hungry than usual. 

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