World Diabetes Day: Is Diabetes Reversal Possible...?

frame World Diabetes Day: Is Diabetes Reversal Possible...?

Sindujaa D N

Advertisements from various companies claiming to be reversing diabetes in recent times have been widely seen online. As part of that, they are also sharing their experiences of following the instructions given by their company and significantly reducing their diabetes levels.

Hundreds of wellness centres, sattvic food promoters, and online shopping portals selling food with glycemic index have grown exponentially.

All of this is a sign that the number of diabetics in the country is on the rise. Unfortunately, diabetes organizations around the world have decided to use lifelong medication to control their diabetes.

Is diabetes reversal possible for everyone?

Some types of diabetes can be reversed if you follow the diet and exercise regularly.

Diabetes can sometimes be caused by the use of steroids or by Covid infection, or even during pregnancy in women. 

But diabetes cannot be controlled if the beta cells in the body are damaged and slow down. Also, diabetes reversal is not a feasible task for those who are completely insulin deficient.

He said that one should not stop taking sugar tests to see if the diabetes levels have gone down for a while and that one should know the diabetes levels by having frequent blood tests. It is suggested that all this be done under the supervision of a physician and not on your own.

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