IVF Blunder: I carried someone else's baby by mistake at the hospital...?

frame IVF Blunder: I carried someone else's baby by mistake at the hospital...?

Sindujaa D N

An American woman who had to carry someone else's fetus due to a mistake made by a maternity hospital has decided to sue her husband over the artificial insemination centre and laboratory that caused it.

Daphne and Alexander, a couple from california, USA, gave birth to a baby girl in september 2019. 

But the girl was a dark-skinned girl, unlike the white ones. The dna test they performed on the suspect confirmed that it was not their baby.

In vitro fertilization, an external test method in which a man's sperm is injected into a woman's ovum and the fetus is created in the laboratory. The embryo is then placed in the woman's uterus.

Daphne was conceived at the Center for Reproductive health in California. The abortion was performed in a laboratory called Vitro Tech Labs.

But due to carelessness, the embryo of another couple was implanted in Daphne's uterus and the embryo of the Daphne-Alexander couple was implanted in the uterus of another woman.

It is currently being prosecuted on charges including medical malpractice, negligence and fraudulent concealment of the truth at the california Center for Reproductive Health.

When the couple spoke to reporters on Monday, they said their family was heartbroken and confused that no one else could understand.

"I could not carry our baby. I could not keep the baby I was carrying with me," Daphne said with tears in her eyes.

"The opportunity to carry my own child has been taken away from me," she lamented.

A week later ...

Daphne and Alexander's couple have approached this artificial insemination centre in 2018. The next year they had a baby. After a period of two months, they confirmed that it was not their baby.

Then the artificial insemination centre that caused the mistake helped identify another couple carrying the couple's real baby.

The unidentified couple gave birth to a baby girl a week after Daphne and Alexander gave birth.

After several meetings, in january 2020, the couple decided to exchange their adopted children through legal action.

"I breastfed another baby in return for breastfeeding my baby, thereby creating a bond with that baby but I was forced to give it to someone else," Daphne told a news conference.

He said it was very difficult for his eldest daughter, a seven-year-old girl, to understand what was going on around her and why they were changing the baby.

Daphne - The couple who gave birth to Alexander's baby has also decided to take legal action against the artificial insemination centre and laboratory. 

In 2019 a similar couple from california discovered their baby was born in New York.

But the woman who gave birth to the child refused to leave the child and return it to them. But the court ruled that the child belonged to the genetic parents.

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