Grape Seed extract reduces risk of cancer


Researchers are studying that grape seed cures certain risk of dreadful cancer. Grape seed is a powerful antioxidant and when we eat grapes swallow it as it reduces cholesterol levels in blood. To make you understand clearly what is oxidation, cut an apple and place it aside for five minutes. After five minutes you can see brown layer over the apple, which is nothing but oxidation. Oxygen in the air is polluted and to protect our body we need anti oxidants which are more in grape seeds.

Grape seed reduces the cell damages and thus prevents many diseases. Moreover people who are allergic to grapes should not eat grape seeds but after doctor's consultation he or she may eat it. Eating black grapes improves vision and eye sight. Moreover it protects women from breast cancer as this disease is more prone to them consuming black grapes reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Further while purchasing grapes hold the bunch by its stem and shake them. If the grapes fall from the stem it is clear that the grapes had been stored for a longer period of time and never eat it. Bunches are held together if the stem is green in color. Unwashed grapes should be placed in an air tight container and be stored inside the refrigerator. Consume it as early as possible as their quality diminishes within time.

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