Why do many JEE students commit suicide every year?
Why do many JEE students commit suicide every year?
Most of the children in our country have a dream of becoming an engineer or doctor since childhood, for which they work hard. One of the most important exams to enter the field of engineering is the JEE exam. JEE Advanced is also called IIT JEE Advanced.
It is one of the most prestigious entrance examinations for graduate-level education in engineering and science, through which students get admission to renowned institutions in the country. Every year lakhs of students prepare to crack this exam, but only a few students are successful. Due to difficult examinations, some students even commit suicide out of frustration, which is now becoming a serious issue. Let us tell you how tough is this JEE exam. Are cases of people losing their lives due to study pressure common only in india or are other countries also facing this problem?
The JEE Advanced exam is like this
The JEE Advanced exam is conducted in two papers, each consisting of three sections. The ranking is determined on the basis of the sum of marks. Top-ranked students get admission into indian Institutes of technology (IITs) and National Institutes of technology (NITs). To appear in JEE Advanced, students need to obtain a high rank in JEE Main. The cut-off marks are different for each category. It depends on the difficulty of the exam and the number of seats available. students who score more than the cut-off marks are given admission.
How many students are losing their lives every year?
There are cases of suicide of students right from the preparation for the entrance exam till the completion of the course. According to the report, out of the total 98 cases of suicide from the year 2018 to 2023, at least 39 cases are from IIT alone. After this, 25-25 cases have come from NIT and central universities. At the same time, there is information about suicide of 13 students in All india Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) between 2019 and 2023.