Countries in the world with most educated people..? India?
Mere words cannot describe the importance of education in one's life. It is the main tool for developing one's potential. Through this people learn many positive things. education is an important aspect that plays an important role not only in personal development but also in the development of a country in general. It continuously improves all aspects of the country, especially industrial development. This can increase job opportunities. Together they form the best structure of a country. They are also the main pillars of the country.
Education is one of the basic rights of every human being. It is a factor that determines the status and development of a country. Without education, it causes many problems. Which countries are still in the best place in terms of educational development? What are the top 10 countries? What is India's position? Let's see. According to OECD data,
Canada (60%) tops the list of top education. About 89% of Canada's population has a post-secondary education.
Russia (56.70%) ranks second in literacy after Canada. The population of canada is 145,805,947.
The third largest population is japan at 125,584,838. 52.70% of them are literate.
Luxembourg has a total population of 642,371 with a literacy rate of 51.30%.
South Korea:
South Korea ranks 5th in this list. Here 50.70% of people are literate. The population of south korea is 51,329,899.
50.10% of the country's population is literate, ranking 6th with Israel. The population of this country is 8,922,892.
United States:
The united states still has world-class universities, and the percentage of educated people in the united states is 50.10%. The population of the united states is 334,805,269.
The total population of ireland is 5,020,199. Here 49.90% of people are literate.
The population of england is 68,497,907. The literacy rate there is 49.40%.
Australia has a population of 26,068,792. The literacy rate of people here is 49.30%. It is noteworthy that india is not included in this top 10 list.
Biggest asset? In today's age, education is seen as a bigger asset than the earnings of the parents. The study is one of the most important.