How the Moon was formed, what is the story of its formation?

S Venkateshwari
How the moon was formed, what is the story of its formation?

We hear different stories of the formation of the moon since childhood. Most scientific theories believe that billions of years ago a large planet collided with the Earth, due to which a large part was separated after colliding, after which the moon was born. Some scientists believe that only the broken debris from the earth gathered in space and became the moon.

Now scientists have come up with a new theory using the powerful computational capability of a supercomputer. Scientists say that the process of moon formation would not have lasted so long. It must have happened in a few hours.

The study brought new possibilities

The study, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, has offered a new perspective on the origin of the moon. This information about the natural satellite of the Earth is going to open the eyes of scientists. The lead author of the research, Jacob Kageres, told NASA, 'This could open many layers of the Moon's development journey.'

What is the story of its formation?

The most popular and established model of the formation of the moon is a giant collision on Earth. Billions of years ago, our Earth collided with Theia, a body the data-size of Mars. This theory tells many things about the Moon. Scientists are still wondering why the composition of the moon is similar to that of the Earth. moon samples show that the moon must have been formed from the Earth itself.

What are the revelations in the new study?

A new study has revealed that the outer layers of the moon must have been formed by factors similar to those of the Earth. It can solve the mystery of the formation of the moon in a more detailed way.

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