Police Lathicharge against Protesting Doctors-P2

frame Police Lathicharge against Protesting Doctors-P2

S Venkateshwari
Police Lathicharge against Protesting Doctors-P2

2,400 doctors on the road against Right To health Bill, jaipur police lathi charge, know what is this bill. As soon as this bill is passed, rajasthan will become the first state to give legal right to health to its 8 crore people.

Know what is Right to health Bill is?

The Gehlot government had brought the Right to health Bill in the last assembly session. Although it was postponed at that time. Now in the election year, through this bill, the government wants to woo 8 crore voters, who will get the legal right to treatment by the implementation of this bill, which will provide free treatment to them. Along with this, the government claims that transparency and accountability will come in the implementation of this bill in private health services as well.

After the implementation of this law, the common man will get the following health facilities-

In the emergency condition of the patient, the private hospital will also have to provide free treatment. In addition to emergency treatment, ICU, and emergency delivery are also included in this.

Hospitals will not be able to keep the dead body at their place until the bill is paid on the death of the patient during treatment.

Every person will get government health insurance coverage, after which every patient will get medical consultation, medicines, diagnosis, ambulance facility and emergency treatment free of cost.

To be continued in part-3...

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