Kollywood laments actor Mayilsamy's demise...

S Venkateshwari
Kollywood laments actor Mayilsamy's demise...

Following the loss of Nandamuri Taraka Ratna, Mayilsamy's death was a significant setback for the South industry. R Mayilsamy, better known by his stage name Mayilsamy, was a well-known tamil comedy actor who passed suddenly early on february 19th. 

He was 57. The legendary actor went away due to poor health, Tamilstar said. Ramesh Bala, a trade analyst, also confirmed the actor's passing and said that yesterday when he felt unwell, his family accompanied him to Porur Ramachandra Hospital. Mayilsamy passed away on the way to the hospital, and the physicians pronounced him dead.

The late actor Mayilsamy's final video, according to Ramesh's tweet.

He was uneasy. He passed away on the way to Porur Ramachandra Hospital when his family was transporting him there. Afterwards, doctors confirmed his death. He has numerous movies in the go."

Ramesh's tweet

Mayilsamy has appeared in more than 200 films during the course of his 39-year career. Known as a scene-stealer for his impeccable comic timing. Upon the confirmation of Mayilsamy's passing, online users expressed their condolences on Twitter. Tweeting, "We lost a good human being may your soul rest in peace #Mayilsamy sir," a netizen paid respect to the late actor. "Shocking And Heartbreaking Rest In Peace #Mayilsamy Gentleman," another person added.

Mayilsamy finished dubbing his upcoming film Glassmate yesterday. In a video published by the PR firm D Next, he was shown happily recording his lines.

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