Biden Calls On War Against China!

President Joe Biden indicated on thursday that the US is committed to defending taiwan if it is attacked by china, a posture that appears to contradict America's professed policy of "strategic ambiguity." Biden has made similar remarks in the past, only for the white house to respond that US policy regarding the island has not changed. The US supports taiwan with defensive weaponry but has purposefully avoided saying whether it would take military action if china attacked.
The united states recognises China's claim to sovereignty over taiwan under the "One China" Policy. beijing has dispatched dozens of aeroplanes close to Taiwan's air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the last week, while Chinese President Xi jinping has stated that "reunification" connecting china and taiwan remains inevitable.
Biden stated on thursday that he is not anxious about a deliberate military war against china, but he is worried about inadvertent escalation. china, Russia, as well as the rest of the world are well aware that we have the world's foremost military in history. Don't be concerned about whether they'll be more strong, he added. However, you must be concerned about whether they will indulge in activities that place them in a condition to make a major error.

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