When is the first solar eclipse of the year?After the total lunar eclipse, the month of march is bringing another special astronomical event for space lovers. The first solar eclipse of the year is going to happen at the end of this month. This partial solar eclipse will occur on march 29, 2025, when the Moon will partially block the sunlight, casting a shadow on parts of the Earth. This will be an exciting opportunity for astronomers, which will help inunderstanding this rare astronomical phenomenon.
What is a partial solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the sun, blocking the sunlight for some time. Itisof three types - total solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse (ring of fire) and partial solar eclipse. The solar eclipse on march 29 will be partial, which means that the moon will not be able to completely cover the Sun. During this time the sun will appear crescent-shaped.
A solar eclipse occurs only on the day of Amavasya, when the sun, moon and Earth are in a straight line. Usually partial solar eclipses occur twice a year. This year the second partial solar eclipse will be on september 21, which will be visible in Australia, antarctica and parts of the Pacific Ocean.
Solar eclipse time
According to nasa, this partial solar eclipse will start at 4:50 am local time in the US, reach its peak at 6:47 am and end around 8:43 am. According to indian time, this eclipse will start at 2:20 pm, reach its peak at 4:17 pm and then gradually end. In some places, 93% of the Sun is likely to be covered during the eclipse.
Will it be visible in india or not?
This solar eclipse will be visible in parts of Asia, Africa, Europe, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic, North and South America. However, its shadow path will not pass through the indian subcontinent, so it will not be visible in India. But, like every time, nasa will telecast this eclipse live, which can be seen through online mediums.