Do not light a cigarette even by mistake inside car or you'll be paying a Hefty Fine

frame Do not light a cigarette even by mistake inside car or you'll be paying a Hefty Fine

Observe the Motor Vehicle Act's regulations when operating a vehicle. Even if you accidentally light a cigarette, you will still be subject to a large fine.
Be aware of the guidelines for this.
In india, there are crores of automobiles on the road every day.  Similar to the rest of the globe, india has its own set of regulations governing automobile ownership.  It's okay for people to disregard those guidelines.
You will be safe if you do not wear a seat belt when operating a motor vehicle.  You won't have any problems if you incorrectly drive the automobile.  You will also be penalized if you consume alcohol while operating a motor vehicle or if you drive after consuming alcohol.
Numerous such regulations have been established for driving an automobile under the Motor vehicles Act.  which all drivers must abide by.  We would like to inform you that it is acceptable to consume alcohol while driving.  However, cigarette smoking carries a fine as well.
If you puff on cigarettes while driving.  Then, it might be quite expensive.  Please be aware that smoking in a car might result in a fine of Rs 500 under section DMVR 86.1(5)/177 of the Motor Vehicle Act.
You might be fined between Rs 500 and Rs 1500 if you make the same error again.  In addition, the penalty may get much higher if you make the same error twice.
If you use a cng vehicle.  In that case, smoking a cigarette while driving may be a deadly invitation.  Because you are sitting in the automobile smoking a cigarette while there is a gas leak in the cng vehicle. After then, an explosion may occur.
Cigarette smoking has other drawbacks in addition to the penalty. cancer may result from it. You should not smoke cigarettes in your automobile or anyplace else for health reasons, in addition to avoiding fines.

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