A rare tradition where only women stay in the village during Holi..!?
A rare tradition where only women stay in the village during Holi. Today is Holi. This festival is celebrated with joy and happiness. There is an unusual tradition in a village in rajasthan that is not found anywhere else in the country. On this festival day, only women are in the village. All the men have to leave the village and go out. This rare tradition has been going on for 500 years. If any men stay in the village, they have to be expelled. It is interesting to say that such a custom exists in rajasthan, which still keeps women under the purdah system in the country. What is that village like? If you look at how holi is celebrated there, there is a village called nagar in the Tonk district of Rajasthan. This village has an unusual tradition. At ten o'clock in the morning on the day of holi, the men of the village (all those above the age of five) leave the village and go to the Chamundeshwari Devi temple on the outskirts. There they hold a fair. They spend the whole day listening to devotional songs.