Predictions of time traveler about 2025 created sensation!A video has created a sensation on social media platforms. Actually, a man named Elvis Thompson has shared a video on the Internet, which is being discussed all over the world. In this video, Elvis has claimed himself to be a time traveler, that is, he can go forward and backward in time. Claiming to see the future, Elvis has made many scary predictions for the year 2025.
Elvis has told about 5 special dates of this year i.e. 2025 in the video shared on instagram, on which five big and devastating events will happen and these events will cause the destruction of the world.
What events did Elvis mention?
In his video, Elvis has predicted a terrible tornado in Oklahoma, America, civil war in America, the discovery of a giant sea creature, a fierce storm on the east coast of America and the arrival of an alien named champion on Earth. This video shared on instagram is going viral, so far crores of people have seen this video. Along with this, people are also making various comments onit.Inthis, many users calledit serious, while many people called it nonsense.
I have returned after traveling to the future: Elvis
Thompson claims that he has returned after traveling to the future and he has mentioned the events of destruction on 5 dates of 2025. The first incident in this is of April 6. On this day, a tornado of 24 km wide and speed of 1046 km per hour will come in Oklahoma, America. The second date is May 27, when the civil war will start in America. In this, texas will separate from America and this war will turn into a world war. The third incident will happen on september 1, when an alien named champion will come and take 12 thousand humans with him. aliens who harm the earth will also come with him.
The fourth incident will come on september 19 in the form of a terrible storm on the east coast of America and the fifth and last incident will happen on november 3. When a giant sea creature will be discovered in the Pacific Ocean. Its name will be Serene Crown and it will be 6 times bigger than the Blue Whale.