US intelligence agency claims - 'Covid virus leaked from lab'...

frame US intelligence agency claims - 'Covid virus leaked from lab'...

S Venkateshwari
US intelligence agency claims - 'Covid virus leaked from lab'...

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a big claim that the Covid-19 virus has leaked from a laboratory. According to the New York Times report, the CIA has indicated in its new report that the virus came from China. The agency has also admitted that it has little confidence in the results of its report. This report was made public after the new director JohnRatcliffe took charge.

In fact, a report prepared by the CIA during the Biden administration said that the coronavirus originated from China. However, it was not clear whether the virus accidentally leaked from the Chinese lab or it was spread deliberately. Now as soon as donald trump became the President, the new CIA report states that the virus did not originate naturally, but came out of a lab.

What did the CIA director say?

The pressure of US lawmakers on intelligence agencies to reveal the truth is increasing. In fact, the CIA believes that the virus has leaked from a lab and not naturally, but the agency has little confidence in the results of its own report. CIA director John Ratcliffe said that more accurate information is being gathered to trace the source of the virus.

Differences in the opinions of scientists

Scientists have different opinions about the origin of the coronavirus. Some scientists believe that the virus spread from bats to the wuhan market. Other scientists argue that the virus leaked from the wuhan lab. An earlier US report also considered the lab leak as a possible source, but less confidence was expressed in it. Let us tell you that the CIA and other intelligence agencies are continuing research on the origin of COVID-19. Pressure from US lawmakers is also accelerating work in this direction. The CIA believes that the virus leaked from the lab, but this claim needs to be proved with more concrete evidence.

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