Republic Day: Message of Gita highlights of Haryana's tableau!

frame Republic Day: Message of Gita highlights of Haryana's tableau!

S Venkateshwari
Republic Day: Message of Gita highlights of Haryana's tableau!

Today, on the occasion of 76th Republic Day, the pride of haryana was once again seen on the path of duty in Delhi. Today the whole country saw the supernatural scene of Haryana's pride, prosperity, heritage and development on the path of duty. This time in Haryana's tableau, a glimpse of the cultural heritage of the state to modern haryana was seen. The tableau prepared by the Department of Information Public Relations and Languages showed from Lord Shri Krishna's knowledge of Gita to Haryana growing with modernity.

In Haryana's tableau, Lord Krishna was seen preaching the Gita to Arjun. It showed the scene of Jyotisar of Kurukshetra, where Lord krishna gave the message of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita to arjun at the time of Mahabharata. This is the divine message that Lord Shri krishna gave to the whole mankind through Arjun. In such a situation, it is a proof of Haryana's lasting contribution to the spiritual and cultural heritage of India.

A glimpse of Haryana's development and cultural heritage was seen

Along with this, a Haryanvi bullock cart was seen, displaying the development and crafts of haryana, in which leather shoes, Sarkanda craft, Chop, Bagh, Panja Dari, Phulkari and Rewari's brass utensils, Surahi and earthen pots were seen. Apart from this, the achievements of the state in the field of technology were shown. At the same time, the tableau showed the tall buildings of Gurugram. Also, this time five players were given on the tableau, who won medals in the Paralympics and made Haryana's name known to the whole world.

Let us tell you that on this day, 26 january 1950, the Constitution of india was presented to the whole world. Since then it reminds us of India's sovereignty, unity and integrity. Today is a very important day in india, a country with a population of 142.86 crores. It reminds us of democratic ideals, rich history and the unity that binds its diverse population.

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