Indian Fisherman dies in Pakistan jail..!?

frame Indian Fisherman dies in Pakistan jail..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Indian Fisherman dies in pakistan jail..!?

The issue of around 180 indian fishermen languishing in Pakistani jails despite completing their sentences is causing a great stir. It is said that Pakistani authorities are delaying their release for various reasons. Despite India's repeated discussions on this issue, no progress has been seen. The losses are coming to the fore. The issue of indian fishermen languishing in Pakistani jails despite completing their sentences is causing a great stir. In recent times, incidents of our fishermen losing their lives in the jails there have been frequent incidents. With this, the level of behavior of Pakistani authorities towards indians in prisons is worrying.
 In this context, it is said that about eight indian fishermen have died in Pakistani jails in the last two years. In this context, it seems that another indian fisherman has recently died as a result of the harshness of Pakistani authorities and the negligence of indian authorities. It is noteworthy that many people lost their lives due to the delay in their release even after the completion of their sentence. On this occasion, official sources from the indian government revealed this. As part of this, Pakistani authorities arrested indian fisherman Babu in connection with a case in 2022. Since then, he has been serving his sentence in a jail in Karachi. He said that his sentence had recently been completed. Pakistani authorities have been negligent in not releasing a fisherman named Babu. In this context, it was revealed that he died in jail on thursday (January 23). With this... is all this the result of negligence, laziness, and incompetence of indian authorities? They say that the question will be raised! At the same time... many are suggesting that the authorities should be alert in the case of the remaining indians languishing in Pakistani jails. Otherwise, they say that they will lose the opportunity to breathe their last in their homeland.

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