Reportedly aam aadmi party chief arvind kejriwal on thursday rejected the BJP’s claims that he would contest the upcoming delhi assembly polls from two seats New delhi and another “safer" seat. “I will contest from only one seat," kejriwal said while responding to a media query at a press conference. The bjp leaders had claimed that kejriwal would contest the delhi polls from two seats, sensing defeat from his current New delhi constituency which he has won thrice in the assembly Elections 2013, 2015, and 2020.Meanwhile parvesh verma earlier claimed that kejriwal may not contest from his traditional seat or may contest from two seats. bjp leader amit Malviya also claimed that kejriwal, sensing defeat in from New delhi, is mulling contesting from two seats. Several media reports also surdata-faced claiming that kejriwal may opt for two seats this time instead of one. Some reports cited AAP’s purported internal survey showcasing kejriwal behind in the triangular race with parvesh verma and sandeep Dikshit. Reports claimed that AAP leaders have been asked to find a second ‘safer’ seat for kejriwal, adding that Burari can be one such constituency.However, kejriwal dismissed all such reports and claims and clarified that he would contest from the New delhi seat only and would not opt for any other one besides the existing one. delhi will go to assembly polls on february 5 and the counting of votes will take place on february 8.
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