New bullet train in China..! World's fastest train..!!
China has introduced the world's fastest train. china has said that this train will travel at a speed of 450 kilometers per hour. Currently, countries around the world have intensified the work of manufacturing bullet trains that can travel at a speed of 450 kilometers per hour. In this regard, china has taken the first place in this. china has introduced the world's fastest train that can travel at a speed of 450 kilometers per hour. Currently, a high-speed train called CR 400 is in use in China. It currently travels at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The Chinese government has said that this high-speed bullet train has been upgraded. The Chinese government has upgraded the CR 400 high-speed train and introduced a new prototype called the CR 450. It has been said that this train will travel at a speed of 450 kilometers per hour. This will not only reduce travel time but also allow people from one end of the country to travel to the other easily, the china Railway Company has said.
China has built 47 thousand kilometers of high-speed rail tracks to connect major cities. The largest number of trains are operated on the beijing and shanghai routes. Millions of people travel every day. The Chinese government says that although these high-speed train services do not generate much profit, they have improved the country's industrial development. It is planning to provide high-speed train services to countries like thailand and indonesia as soon as possible. india has also intensified work to connect major cities in the country through bullet train projects.