Late actress Chitra's father commits suicide...
The incident of late screen actress Chitra's father Kamaraj committing suicide at home has created a lot of excitement. VJ Chitra, who became famous for playing the role of Mullai in the serial Pandian Stores aired on Vijay TV, committed suicide by hanging herself in 2020. Chitra's body was found hanging in a hotel in Nazarethpettai near Poonamallee, chennai on december 9, 2020. Later, the Nazarethpet police registered a case and investigated and arrested Chitra's husband Hemnath. Hemnath, who was released on bail after spending about 3 months in prison, was found not guilty in the case last August. The Tiruvallur Mahila Fast Track court also ordered his release. After Hemnath was released, Chitra's father Kamaraj appealed against it in the madras High Court. While the case is pending, Chitra's father Kamaraj has now committed suicide by hanging himself.