Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar found dead in hotel room...

Sowmiya Sriram
Malayalam actor dileep Shankar found dead in hotel room...
Malayalam actor dileep Shankar was found dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram. The 47-year-old had not come out of his room for two days. He was found dead when the hotel staff went inside due to a foul smell coming from the room. malayalam actor dileep Shankar was found dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram. He had recently visited the hotel and died mysteriously. He was 47 years old. Actor dileep Shankar was acting in malayalam cinema and tv serials. He had booked a room in a hotel in thiruvananthapuram for the last 2 days. It is said that he had been in the room for 2 days and had not come out. The hotel management decided to go inside after a foul smell emanated from the room.
Initially, there was no response from dileep inside despite knocking on the door several times. Due to this, the hotel staff opened the door themselves and went inside. They found dileep Shankar lying dead.The staff immediately informed the authorities after seeing him lying motionless. The local police immediately rushed to the spot and started an investigation. director Manoj, who had been collaborating with dileep on the show, shared with manorama that there had been a two-day break in filming. During this time, neither he nor Dileep’s co-stars could reach the actor, as he did not respond to their calls. Manoj also revealed that dileep had been dealing with unspecified health problems.

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