China to provide 40 J-35 fighter jets to Pakistan..!?

frame China to provide 40 J-35 fighter jets to Pakistan..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
China to provide 40 J-35 fighter jets to Pakistan..!?

pakistan, which is pursuing a confrontational course with India, has now created a new problem for our country. That is, pakistan has decided to buy 40 stealth fighter J-35s from china, a state-of-the-art fighter jet, to strengthen its air force. We have a problem with our neighboring country, Pakistan. The reason for the problem is that pakistan claims kashmir, which belongs to us. In addition, pakistan continues to unleash extremist activities against our country. Similarly, we do not have a smooth relationship with our neighboring country, China. china is the reason for this. china is claiming our areas on our data-border and changing their names. In addition, china has clashed with our soldiers on the data-border many times. Due to this, there is a rift in the relationship between the two sides.
In this situation, pakistan has decided to buy 40 state-of-the-art fighter jets from china to strengthen its air force. The pakistan air Force has approved this. Accordingly, pakistan is going to buy stealth fighter J-35 fighter jets from China. So far, china has not officially announced that it will provide these aircraft to Pakistan. However, china is behind the decision of Pakistan. It has been reported that china will definitely provide stealth fighter J-35 fighter jets to Pakistan. Last month, the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of china, Geng Zong, visited Pakistan. As for china, the head of the army is President Xi Jinping. The person next to him is Geng Zong. At that time, Geng Zong had a one-on-one meeting with Pakistan's army chief General Asim Munir. At that time, the military relations between the two countries were discussed.
In addition, china continues to help modernize Pakistan's three armed forces. In addition, china and pakistan jointly developed the J-17 Thunder fighter aircraft. Similarly, in the last few years alone, china has provided 3 warships to Pakistan. These ships are stationed in the indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. Meanwhile, pakistan has now decided to buy stealth fighter J-35 aircraft from China. china is the only one using these fighter aircraft so far. pakistan is planning to buy these stealth fighter J-35 aircraft for the first time, while china has not supplied them to other countries. In china, this aircraft is also called a 5th generation aircraft. This is currently becoming a headache for India.

If we look at it this way, if china agrees to fulfill Pakistan's wish, the stealth fighter J-35 aircraft will be supplied to that country in the next 2 years. These new aircraft will be purchased from china to replace the old American F-16 fighter aircraft and French Mirage aircraft currently in the pakistan air Force. China's stealth fighter J-16 fighter aircraft are more modern than these aircraft. That is, these J-35 fighter aircraft will resemble the shapes of the American F-35 fighter aircraft. However, minor changes have been made to the shape. The J-35 aircraft are slightly wider than the American F-35 aircraft. Similarly, the American F-35 aircraft can fly at a speed of Mach 1.6. But China's J-35 is more efficient than that. That is, it is capable of flying at a speed of Mach 2.0.

However, the American F-35 aircraft can travel up to 2,220 kilometers without stopping. In comparison, China's J-35 aircraft can travel only up to 1,200 kilometers without stopping. However, China's J-35 aircraft operate with modern technologies compared to the fighter jets currently in Pakistan. Meanwhile, it has been reported that pakistan and china are jointly engaged in this act to threaten India. That is, pakistan is currently in a severe economic crisis. In such a situation, purchasing 40 fighter jets from china will create an additional financial burden for that country. However, if pakistan has taken this decision, it is said that china may be behind it. That is, our country and pakistan are in conflict over the kashmir issue. Similarly, there is a data-border issue between china and our country. Political observers say that china may decide to supply stealth fighter J-35 aircraft to pakistan for the first time to threaten our country. Those who are familiar with the details say that if china supplies fighter jets in this way, it will be a new headache for our country.

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