18000 Indians will be in trouble under the Trump regime...

S Venkateshwari
18000 indians will be in trouble under the trump regime...

Donald trump will be sworn in as President in America next month and his administration has stepped up efforts to implement strict immigration policies. According to data released by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), about 18,000 illegal indians are included among the 1.45 million individuals facing deportation from America.

According to the ICE report, india ranks 13th in terms of illegal immigrants in Asia. Along with this, india is also among the 15 countries which have been considered "uncooperative" in the deportation process. ICE suggested that india should take steps to conduct interviews, issue travel documents on time and accept its citizens through charter or commercial flights.

Legal processes are complicated in the case of Indian immigrants

The report also mentions that 17,940 indians are on ICE's non-custodial list. These include those who have been given final orders of deportation, but are still waiting for the legal process to be completed. It is estimated that in some cases this process can be up to three years long.

Increasing crisis of indian migrants at the data-border

In the last three years, an average of 90,000 indian citizens have been caught trying to enter the US data-border illegally. Experts say that most of these migrants come from states like Punjab, gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. However, the report also said that most illegal migrants come from countries close to the US data-borders. honduras and guatemala top the list. This report reflects the strictness of the trump administration's immigration policies and indicates that immigration-related policies may be further tightened in the future.

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