If you want to know who Islamists truly are, listen to Middle Eastern Christians - Assyrian Christian Priest video goes Viral

The voice of Assyrian Christian communities from Iraq, such as the statement from the priest, sheds light on the historical and ongoing persecution they have data-faced in the Middle East, particularly from radical Islamist groups. These communities, who have been living in the region for millennia, long before the rise of Islam, find themselves increasingly marginalized and targeted by extremist ideologies.

The priest's words reflect the deep fear and frustration that many Middle Eastern Christians experience, as they witness the erosion of their ancient heritage and their way of life due to Islamist violence and the growing influence of radical groups like ISIS. The reference to extremists' desire for martyrdom and the promise of "72 virgins" highlights the mindset of some militant factions who view violence against non-Muslims, particularly Christians, as justified within their interpretation of jihad.
Assyrian Christians, among other Christian minorities in the region, have been subject to systemic persecution, including forced conversions, displacement, destruction of churches, and even mass killings. The invasion of their ancestral lands by Islamist groups, who label them as infidels, has decimated these communities, forcing many to flee their homes in search of safety. This cultural and religious genocide has been well-documented, yet the international community's response has often been insufficient in addressing the root causes or providing long-term protection. For these Christian minorities, the reality is that their centuries-old coexistence in the region is under severe threat, and they feel increasingly isolated and powerless in the data-face of violent extremism.
The priest's plea to listen to the voices of Middle Eastern Christians offers a critical perspective on the ground realities of religious persecution. These communities, who have experienced firsthand the brutality of radical Islamist ideologies, provide an important testimony to the dangers of extremism. Their survival and the preservation of their heritage depend not only on local solutions but also on global awareness and intervention. The world must acknowledge the plight of Middle Eastern Christians and recognize the complex religious and political dynamics that fuel their persecution, ensuring that their voices are heard and their communities protected from further harm.

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