Onam Sadhya's Chapati raises controversy...?

S Venkateshwari
Onam Sadhya's chapati raises controversy...?
Tarun Mehta, one of the co-founders of the company, posted a picture of himself and Swapnil Jain together on X along with a picture of their dinner, which is called sadhya in Malayalam. Ather Energy, an electric two-wheeler manufacturer based in Bengaluru, was lately the target of backlash on social media after images of them celebrating onam at work went viral. tarun Mehta, one of the co-founders of the company, posted a picture of himself and Swapnil Jain together on X along with a picture of their dinner, which is called sadhya in Malayalam.

Sadhya is a meal from kerala that is typically eaten with the hands and is served on a banana leaf with a variety of vegetarian foods and rice. However, the founder's photo of Sadhya included a chapati, which is often not served with a meal, which drew criticism for the company. The company received harsh criticism from online users for included roti in their Sadhya. This dinner is served haphazardly on a leaf. One user said, "Invoking the powers vested in me, I disqualify this as a Sadya!" while another referred to it as "blasphemy." In addition, customers claimed that there were too few items in the lunch, which left them feeling let down.

The question of why onam was being celebrated in Karnatakan offices was another hot topic in the comment section. What is the connection between karnataka and Onam? "First of all, you start celebrating Ugadi and kannada Rajyotsava," one user wrote. Another said, "I don't know why onam is celebrated in Bengaluru offices as a big event when Ganesha Habba, Ugadhi, and kannada Rajyothsava are not celebrated or celebrated as an academic holiday. onam has no relevance to karnataka culture and society." In the meantime, the business clarified why chapati was included to the Sadhya.
"Recent reports have surdata-faced regarding a certain lunch that was served at one of our offices. This happened a few days ago when someone noticed chapati sitting on a banana leaf. Fortunately, this occurrence resulted in no injuries to Malayalees. After examining the image, our teams determined the primary reason. The picture displayed a chapati on a banana leaf, but it did not show the brown and white rice that were provided with it. During this incident, rice, sambar, and other curries were fully unaffected. The official announcement stated, "Everything in the Sadhya was prepared by Malayalee chefs at a facility in Bengaluru and served by Malayalee colleagues." The corporation also made it clear that coworkers with personal preferences could choose not to have chapati with their meal. We have subsequently held multiple cultural sensitivity courses to ensure that there are never another incident like this one. This was a rare moment of poor judgment on our part. 135 Malayalees at Ather, with affection."

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