Shocking report...! Bin Laden's son is alive..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Shocking report...! Bin Laden's son is alive..!?
international media recently revealed a sensational matter. As part of this. Hamza Bin laden, the son of al qaeda chief Osama Bin laden, is alive and is now leading the terrorist organization! With this, this matter has now become a hot topic in the international media. On this occasion, some other stories came to the fore. Yes... Osama bin Laden's son Hamza is alive. On this occasion... Hamza laden along with his brother Abdullah Bin laden has bombed that he is secretly running al qaeda from Afghanistan! At the same time... the "outlet" said that the so-called terrorist prince is hiding in northern afghanistan under the constant protection of about 450 snipers!
 At the same time, 'The international Mobilization Front' (IMF) revealed that since the fall of Kabul in 2021, afghanistan has become a training center for various terrorist groups. In this order, Hamza is now in the Dara Abdullah Khel district. 450 Arabs and Pakistanis are protecting him there. IMF is preparing to attack many foreign targets in the future. In fact, Hamza Bin laden has been reported dead in the past. There have been reports that this has also been revealed! But the united states says that Hamza was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and later spent time with his mother in Iran, and identified him as a 'global terrorist'. It is known that Osama bin laden was killed by US special forces in Abbottabad, pakistan in 2011. Scenes related to that operation are going viral on the internet. Bin laden admitted to the brutal attack in the US on 11 september 2001 (9/11 attack)! About 3,000 people died in this incident.

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